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Each WebMate® application consists of three (3) primary elements. The user interface resides on a Windows NT/2000 or Linux server and is accessed via the company LAN or the internet. (The only software required on each user's personal computer, laptop, or workstation is a version Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or above or a Mozilla based browser.) Because this platform is limited to use by the presentation engine, it avoids being bogged down by intense data processing and can more effectively provide control and display functions for the users.

The second and third elements are housed on a UNIX or Linux application server with a dedicated TCP connection to the Web server. The automation engine is common to all resident WebMate applications. Its function is to provide communication links to relevant OSSs and C.O. switches and to coordinate internal communication and control between multiple applications and interface modules. This 'traffic cop' service promotes more efficient utilization of both application and OSS resources. Since the automation engine remains uniform, the development time for applications is reduced and reliability is increased.

The third component includes the unique application (containing relevant client-specified business rules) and the OSS interface modules. Together these elements perform the data acquisition and manipulation functions necessary to accomplish the specified tasks. The application may be considered the 'intelligence' of the system, while each interface module contains the specific knowledge necessary to perform transactions within a particular OSS. Together they become in essence a 'virtual technician'.

This modular architecture provides much of the power and many of the benefits of WebMate. Users are isolated from the application and the systems it accesses by the browser-based interface. Users do not have login accounts on the Web server, application server, or OSS. Since they only log in to WebMate, they can only perform those actions which have been authorized by the client's WebMate administrator.

Additional benefit is derived by separating the functions of the OSS interface modules from the application. Services involving data within any OSS can be provided to multiple applications without replicating the module itself. This allows smaller, less expensive applications as well as a more controlled, efficient access to existing systems. The OSS interface modules may be co-located with the application or installed on separate platforms, depending on the client's hardware needs and preferences.

WebMate Environment
Switch-OSS Audit
Data Management